Create Your Own Planner — Busy Gal — Portrait (8.5x11 Size)
Applique Design Family

Create Your Own Planner — Busy Gal — Portrait (8.5x11 Size)
Arts and Crafts Design Family

Select the weekly or daily planner page layout that works best for you.
Start by selecting your preferred layout. Take a look at the options below. Once you’ve decided which weekly spread format you want for your planner, click the pink button — “Select This Layout” — to proceed to Step #3 and continue customizing your planner.
The On the Go Layout
Circled numbers indicate customizable areas.
Click the image to preview each area.
With the On the Go layout, you can combine the flexibility of customization with the familiar features found in the Standard and Quick Custom option.
Stay on top of to-dos and schedules with daily checkboxes and schedule sections. Two unlined customizable blocks in the left-hand margin and Monday-Sunday blocks in the right-hand margin ensure you have plenty of space for routines, notes, menu planning, and more.
Inspiration Add-Ons: Bible verses, planning quotes, and read through the Bible in a year
Select This LayoutThe Schedule & Checklist Layout
Circled numbers indicate customizable areas.
Click the image to preview each area.
The Schedule & Checklist layout combines all of the features of the Schedule layout and the Checklist layout with spacious daily checkboxes, 7 am to 6 pm scheduling blocks, and dinner planning for Monday - Friday.
The left-hand margin includes an unlined customizable area followed by blocks for household, shopping, and other reminders. The right-hand margin includes weekend checkboxes and a large lined checklist block for shopping lists and more.
Inspiration Add-Ons: Bible verses, planning quotes, and read through the Bible in a year
Select This LayoutThe Schedule Layout
Circled numbers indicate customizable areas.
Click the image to preview each area.
For those who plan best by using a schedule, the Schedule layout provides unlined blocks with space for hourly scheduling and menu planning for Monday - Sunday.
The left-hand margin includes an unlined customizable block followed by blocks for household, shopping, and other reminders.
Inspiration Add-Ons: Bible verses, planning quotes, and read through the Bible in a year
Select This LayoutThe Checklist Layout
Circled numbers indicate customizable areas.
Click the image to preview each area.
For those who plan best with checklists, this layout offers full Monday - Friday checklists as well as smaller checklists for the weekend, all followed by dinner planning blocks.
The left-hand margin includes a customizable area followed by blocks for household, shopping, and other reminders. The right-hand margin includes a large lined checklist block for shopping lists and more.
Inspiration Add-Ons: Bible verses, planning quotes, and read through the Bible in a year
Select This LayoutThe Home Management Layout
Circled numbers indicate customizable areas.
Click the image to preview each area.
Keep track of household and life needs with this unique layout. Each weekday column includes a checklist followed by routine, household tasks, and dinner planning blocks. Weekends have smaller checklists as well as weekend project and dinner planning blocks.
The left-hand column includes household, shopping, and other reminders, while the right-hand page includes an extra customizable lined checklist.
Inspiration Add-Ons: Bible verses, planning quotes, and read through the Bible in a year
Select This LayoutThe Menus and Meals Layout
Circled numbers indicate customizable areas.
Click the image to preview each area.
This layout was designed to make menu planning easy while also being customizable for any other unique family needs. Weekday columns include lined checklists followed by 7 am to 9 pm scheduling blocks, with smaller weekend checklists.
The left-hand margin includes Monday-Sunday blocks for menu planning and more, while the right-hand column includes a lined checklist for shopping or other weekly lists.
Inspiration Add-Ons: Bible verses, planning quotes, and read through the Bible in a year
Select This LayoutThe Routine Layout
Circled numbers indicate customizable areas.
Click the image to preview each area.
The unique Routine layout allows you to divide your Monday - Sunday checklists into blocks that fit with your unique family routine. A meal planning block finishes out each daily column.
The left-hand column features a large lined area for customizable lists.
Inspiration Add-Ons: Bible verses, planning quotes, and read through the Bible in a year
Select This LayoutThe Block Layout
Circled numbers indicate customizable areas.
Click the image to preview each area.
The Block layout provides maximum flexibility with unlined daily blocks for creating lists, jotting down notes, recording thoughts, and more. A meal planning block can be found at the bottom of each column.
The left-hand column features a lined notes block, allowing you to jot down notes, create lists, and more.
Inspiration Add-Ons: Bible verses, planning quotes, and read through the Bible in a year
Select This LayoutThe Horizontal Layout
Circled numbers indicate customizable areas.
Click the image to preview each area.
Find a new and unique planning perspective with the Horizontal layout. This unique left to right weekly format features space create a variety of daily checklists, or keep track of various aspects of daily life, including work, home, and more. You'll also find 5 customizable unlined weekly boxes for even more flexibility.
The right hand column includes weekend activities blocks along with a Monday-Sunday customizable lined area.
Inspiration Add-Ons: Bible verses, planning quotes, and read through the Bible in a year
Select This Layout