Curriculum Schedule for Saxon Math 7/6
This curriculum schedule is designed to be used alongside Saxon Math 7/6, a mastery-based math program.
Well Planned Gal's schedule helps you stay on track and keep track of your student's progress each step of the way.
Help your student launch solidly into middle school math concepts with Saxon Math 7/6.
Curriculum Needed for This Course Schedule*
- Saxon Math 7/6 Student Text, 4th Edition
- Saxon Math 7/6 Tests and Worksheets, 4th Edition
- Saxon Math 7/6 Solutions Manual, 4th Edition
*These items must be purchased separately.
Schedule Overview
- Total Number of Weeks: 36
- Total Number of Assignments: 155
- Daily Time: approximately 30-45 minutes

Well Planned Gal Online Curriculum Schedules
Well Planned Gal's Curriculum Schedules were designed to integrate with the Well Planned Gal Online Planning Software, helping you easily schedule your favorite curriculum each year. A full feature subscription to the online planning software is required to utilize the lesson plan add-ons. Curriculum must be purchased seprately.
How It Works!
Once you have chosen and purchased your curriculum for the year, visit Well Planned Gal's Curriculum Schedules and choose the schedule that matches your curriculum. Once you have purchased the schedule, you will be directed to add your new schedule to you online planning account.
After a curriculum schedule is purchased, you may utilize it for as many students as desired. Plus, as long as you are an active subscriber of the online planner, you can utilize the schedule year after year with different students.
Price | $0.00 |
ISBN | wplicsaxonmath76 |
Grade | Middle School, 6, 7 |
Subject | Math |
Publisher | Saxon Publishers |
Lesson Style | Traditional |
Format | My Well Planned Day Software Add-On |
Below you will find the curriculum required for this course schedule. All items must be purchased separately.

Saxon Math 7/6 Solutions Manual, 4th Edition
This Saxon Math Homeschool 7/6 Solutions Manual provides answers for all problems in the textbook lesson (including warm-up, lesson practice, and mixed practice exercises), as well as solutions for the investigations and supplemental practice found in the back of the student text. It also includes answers for the facts practice tests, activity sheets, and tests in the tests & worksheets book. Answers are line-listed, and are organized by type (lessons & investigations, facts practice tests, tests, etc.).
This Saxon Math Homeschool 6/5 Solutions Manual provides answers for all problems in the textbook lesson (including warm-up, lesson practice, and mixed practice exercises), as well as solutions for the investigations and supplemental practice found in the back of the student text. It also includes answers for the facts practice tests, activity sheets, and tests in the tests & worksheets book. Answers are line-listed, and are organized by type (lessons & investigations, facts practice tests, tests, etc.).

Saxon Math 6/5 Tests and Worksheets, 4th Edition
This Saxon Math Homeschool 7/6 Tests and Worksheets book is part of the Saxon Math 7/6 curriculum for 6th grade students, and provides supplemental "facts practice" tests for each lesson, as well as 23 cumulative tests that cover every 5-10 lessons. The included "activity sheets" are designed to be used with the activities given in the (sold-separately) student worktext.
A testing schedule and five optional, reproducible, recording forms are also provided; three forms allow students to record their work on the daily lessons, mixed practice exercises, and tests, while the remaining two forms help teachers track and analyze student performance.
Solutions to all problems are in the (sold-separately) Solutions Manual.

Saxon Math 7/6 Student Text, 4th Edition
Saxon Math 7/6 will help middle-school students gain a solid foundation of algebraic reasoning and geometric skills as they prepare to move on to higher-level math and algebraic reasoning in Saxon 8/7 or Algebra =. It teaches math with a spiral approach, which emphasizes incremental development of new material and continuous review of previously taught concepts.
This Saxon 76 textbook introduces functions and coordinate graphing, integers, exponential expressions, and prime factorization. Students will specifically learn about the order of operations, number lines, decimal place value, how to find the percent of a number, how to round decimal numbers, attributes of geometric solids, and more.
Lessons contain a warm-up (with facts practice, mental math, & problem-solving exercises); introduction to the new concept, lesson practice exercises where the new skill is practiced, and mixed practice exercises, which includes 25-30 old and new problems. In-depth "Investigations" are provided every 10 lessons, and have their own set of questions. The back of the book contains supplemental problems for selected lessons and concepts.