Curriculum Schedule for 8th Grade History, BJU Press 4th Edition
This curriculum schedule was designed to be used with BJU Press 8th Grade History, a curriculum that combines the flexibility of homeschooling with the structure of textbook learning that many parents are familiar and comfortable with.
In The American Republic, students explore our history's nation from a biblical perspective. They also learn critical thinking skills as they explore how history is relevant to their participation as citizens of American society and the importance of applying historical understanding to current decision-making.
Curriculum Needed for This Course Schedule*
- American Republic Teacher's Edition with CD (4th ed.)
- American Republic Student Activity Manual Key (4th ed.)
- American Republic Tests Answer Key (4th ed.)
- American Republic Student Text (4th ed.)
- American Republic Student Activity Manual (4th ed.)
- American Republic Tests (4th ed.)
Schedule Overview
- Total Number of Weeks: 36
- Total Number of Lessons: 172
- Daily Time: 45 minutes
*These items must be purchased separately.

Well Planned Gal Online Curriculum Schedules
Well Planned Gal's Curriculum Schedules were designed to integrate with the Well Planned Gal Online Planning Software, helping you easily schedule your favorite curriculum each year. A full feature subscription to the online planning software is required to utilize the lesson plan add-ons. Curriculum must be purchased seprately.
How It Works!
Once you have chosen and purchased your curriculum for the year, visit Well Planned Gal's Curriculum Schedules and choose the schedule that matches your curriculum. Once you have purchased the schedule, you will be directed to add your new schedule to you online planning account.
After a curriculum schedule is purchased, you may utilize it for as many students as desired. Plus, as long as you are an active subscriber of the online planner, you can utilize the schedule year after year with different students.
Price | $0.00 |
ISBN | wplicbjuhistory8 |
Grade | Middle School, 8 |
Subject | History & Geography |
Publisher | BJU Press |
Lesson Style | Traditional |
Format | My Well Planned Day Software Add-On |
Below you will find the curriculum required for this course schedule. All items must be purchased separately.

American Republic Student Activity Manual (4th ed.)
This Student Activities book is part of the BJU Press "The American Republic, 4th Edition" curriculum line for students in 8th grade. Designed to accompany the The American Republic Student Text, 4th Ed. (sold-separately), this workbook contains multiple activities for each chapter; activities include map studies, filling out graphic organizers, true/false and completing other worksheet-based exercises. Selections to read before the worksheets are also integrated throughout. 254 perforated pages; softcover consumable workbook.

American Republic Student Activity Manual Key (4th ed.)
This student activities answer key accompanies the BJU Press The American Republic Student Activities, 4th Edition workbook. The full student activities book is reproduced with answers overlaid in bright pink ink. Spiralbound softcover.

American Republic Student Text (4th ed.)
Showing God's work through American history, and emphasizing traditional American values such as liberty (when for the Christian Good), individualism, equality, and growth (described as achieving goals such as gaining wealth, buying property, changing the environment, enjoying new experiences, and following the Creation Mandate), this text employs a conservative Christian worldview in interpreting the events of the past.
This edition features unit opener timelines of major events and chapters begin with a chapter outline of major topics plus a quotation. Full-color and archival photographs, paintings, and other visuals are included throughout each chapter; sidebars and general feature boxes provide interesting information that provides a fuller picture of important people, events or concepts. Charts, diagrams, and maps help students to visualize geographic locations and statistical information. Section quizzes help students remember what they've learned throughout the chapter, and chapter review features critical thinking & review questions, as well as a list of people, places, and things to remember.

American Republic Teacher's Edition with CD (4th ed.)
This 2-volume Teacher's Edition for the BJU Press "The American Republic" Grade 8 American history curriculum features two spiral-bound volumes that include reduced-size student book pages surrounded by teacher notes in the margin. Teacher information includes answers to the section quizzes given in the text, lesson objectives, helpful background information, pointers on using additional resources, and more. Book 1 & Book 2, spiralbound, 597 pages in total. Hard backcovers and soft front-covers

American Republic Tests (4th ed.)
Evaluate student performance with this set of 27 chapter tests. Tests include a variety of questions, including a mix of multiple choice, matching, short answer, true/false, and essay. Designed to be used with BJU Press' American Republic curriculum, 4th edition. Grade 8.

American Republic Tests Answer Key (4th ed.)
This answer key is designed to be used with the The American Republic Test Packet, 4th Edition from BJU Press (not included and sold-separately). This key includes full-size tests with the correct answers overlaid along with page numbers where the answers can be found.