Curriculum Schedule for History: AOP LIFEPAC History and Geography Grade 2
For students who love workbook learning, LIFEPAC offers a methodical, unit-based approach to teaching history from an integrated perspective. With LIFEPAC History and Geography, your student will explore history from a Christian worldview while covering most, if not all, of the following six strands at each grade level: geography, history, government, citizenship, economics, and social studies. These lesson plans provide a full, one-year scheduling while also allowing you to fully utilize the self-paced nature of LIFEPACS. Combine lessons to allow more progress on light days, or bump heavier lessons if more practice is needed. Self Test days are scheduled with minimal work to allow you to add in additional practice work, if needed.
LIFEPAC History and Geography 2nd grade Topics
- branches of government
- Native American history
- westward expansion
- America's pioneers
- a study of maps
Curriculum Needed for This Course Schedule*
- Lifepac History & Geography Grade 2 Complete Set
*These items must be purchased separately.
Schedule Overview
- Total Number of Weeks: 35
- Total Number of Assignments: 172
- Daily Time: approximately 30 minutes

Well Planned Gal Online Curriculum Schedules
Well Planned Gal's Curriculum Schedules were designed to integrate with the Well Planned Gal Online Planning Software, helping you easily schedule your favorite curriculum each year. A full feature subscription to the online planning software is required to utilize the lesson plan add-ons. Curriculum must be purchased seprately.
How It Works!
Once you have chosen and purchased your curriculum for the year, visit Well Planned Gal's Curriculum Schedules and choose the schedule that matches your curriculum. Once you have purchased the schedule, you will be directed to add your new schedule to you online planning account.
After a curriculum schedule is purchased, you may utilize it for as many students as desired. Plus, as long as you are an active subscriber of the online planner, you can utilize the schedule year after year with different students.
Price | $0.00 |
ISBN | wplicaoplphistory2 |
Grade | Elementary, 2 |
Subject | History & Geography |
Publisher | Alpha Omega Publications |
Lesson Style | Traditional |
Format | My Well Planned Day Software Add-On |
Below you will find all of the books used in this Well Planned Lesson Software Add-On. Shop individual products at by clicking on the book title or click the yellow button to see all products in one easy shopping page.

AOP LIFEPAC History and Geography Grade 2
Lifepac Social Studies: History & Geography curriculum helps students to understand the world - and their place in it - through studying history, cultures and the environment. Perfect for students who flourish in a self-paced learning environment, each consumable workbook combines lessons, exercises, projects, reviews and tests.