2021-2022 High School Bouquets

High School Guidance & Time Management Tool

  • FULLY DATED: The High School Planner is fully dated, beginning July 1 and running through June 30.
  • EACH MONTH: A spacious 2-page monthly spread helps students coordinate work, school, and activities while keeping up with the family schedule as well. Monthly and weekly quotes and Scripture verses offer encouragement and inspiration throughout the year.
  • CONVENIENT SIZE: This 6" x 9" planner fits easily into a backpack for convenience and accessibility.
  • MANAGE TIME: Step-by-step instructions guide students through creating and maintaining routines.
  • LIFE SKILLS: Each month, students will find a high school tip and a life skills Q&A to help them grow in necessary life management skills.

High school is such an exciting time for students! But, it’s also a busy time as they balance school assignments, a social life that’s growing a little more independent, and possibly even work or volunteer hours. It’s no longer easy to rely on Mom to keep it all together in her Well Planned Day. Your student needs a way to keep track of everything on his or her own!

Designed to fit easily into a backpack or purse, the High School Planner can go everywhere your student does. He or she can easily keep track of family and personal schedules, assignments, and other appointments and to-dos. Students are taught how to create and keep track of daily routines, encouraged through weekly verses and quotes, and provided with a daily Bible reading plan. With High School Planner in hand, your teen will be well equipped for this exciting high school journey! LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE


High School Guidance

  • Planning for Success
  • Creating a Transcript
  • Translating Grades into a GPA
  • High School Credit Requirements
  • High School Checklist for Each Year
  • College Entrance Exams
  • Test Taking Tips
  • Exploring Electives

Time Management Tool

  • Annual Literature/Reading Goals
  • Semester Credit Goals & Success
  • Semester Daily Schedules
  • 2 Page Monthly Calendar Page
  • Read through the Bible in a Year Plan
  • Monthly Organizational Tip
  • 2 Page Spacious Weekly Layout
  • Weekly Inspirational Quotes

Bonus Features

Step by Step Instructions

The planner opens with a comprehensive article outlining how to best utilize each section of the planner.

Life Skills

Each month, students are challenged students with questions about real life skills. From finances and taxes to resumes, jobs, and home management, my goal is to get students thinking about becoming an adult.

Weekly Layout

With designated areas for notes, assignments, and other to-dos, the weekly layout is wrapped in a fun design for any student to enjoy.


Based on the popular Make Your Bed video, each weekday contains five white blocks for students to record completion of daily routines.


This year I have added even more fun to the line of planner accessories! From snap-on covers, folders, and bookmarks to elastic bands, pens, pencils, and more, you can find a wide variety of options to enhance your planner. All accessories are sold separately.