Curriculum Schedule for 8th Grade Writing & Grammar, BJU Press 3rd Edition
This curriculum schedule was designed to be used with BJU Press 8th Grade Writing & Grammar, a curriculum that combines the flexibility of homeschooling with the structure of textbook learning that many parents are familiar and comfortable with.
Well Planned Gal's schedule helps you guide your student steadily through each day's assignments for steady progress throughout the year.
Writing & Grammar 8 strengthens grammar skills in parts of speech, sentence patterns, participles, gerunds, infinitives, and more. Students will also exercise their writing skills with exercises covering a news report, character profile, fable, and essay.
Curriculum Needed for This Course Schedule*
- Writing & Grammar 8 Teacher's Edition (3rd ed.)
- Writing & Grammar 8 Tests Answer Key (3rd ed.)
- Writing & Grammar 8 Student Worktext (3rd ed.)
- Writing & Grammar 8 Tests (3rd ed.)
*These items must be purchased separately.
Schedule Overview
- Total Number of Weeks: 36
- Total Number of Assignments: 175
- Daily Time: approximately 30 minutes

Well Planned Gal Online Curriculum Schedules
Well Planned Gal's Curriculum Schedules were designed to integrate with the Well Planned Gal Online Planning Software, helping you easily schedule your favorite curriculum each year. A full feature subscription to the online planning software is required to utilize the lesson plan add-ons. Curriculum must be purchased seprately.
How It Works!
Once you have chosen and purchased your curriculum for the year, visit Well Planned Gal's Curriculum Schedules and choose the schedule that matches your curriculum. Once you have purchased the schedule, you will be directed to add your new schedule to you online planning account.
After a curriculum schedule is purchased, you may utilize it for as many students as desired. Plus, as long as you are an active subscriber of the online planner, you can utilize the schedule year after year with different students.
Price | $0.00 |
ISBN | wplicbjuwritinggrammar8 |
Grade | Middle School, 8 |
Subject | Language Arts |
Publisher | BJU Press |
Lesson Style | Traditional |
Format | My Well Planned Day Software Add-On |
Below you will find the curriculum required for this course schedule. All items must be purchased separately.

Writing & Grammar 8 Teacher's Edition (3rd ed.)
This teacher's edition accompanies BJU Press' Writing & Grammar Grade 8 Student Worktext, 3rd Ed.. Lesson plans clearly outline key objectives, provides helpful hints for guiding students through the writing process, and suggests ways to present grammar and usage concepts clearly. 512 pages, softcover. Suggested scheduling included.

Writing & Grammar 8 Tests Answer Key (3rd ed.)
This test answer key accompanies BJU Press' Writing and Grammar Tests, Grade 8, 3rd Edition. Full-page reproductions of the student tests have the answers overlaid for quick and easy grading. Page numbers are not referenced.

Writing & Grammar 8 Student Worktext (3rd ed.)
The writing process, eight parts of speech, five basic sentence patterns, usage, mechanics, participles, gerunds, infinitives, dictionary skills, library skills, study skills, and the writing process are also part of the year's work in this BJU Press Writing and Grammar Grade 8 Student Workbook. Clear instruction, plenty of practice, and writing projects that include a news report, a character profile, a short fable, an informal debate script, a photo essay, and an in-class essay all work together to provide students with an excellent foundation in writing and grammar before they reach high school. 475 pages, softcover.

Writing & Grammar 8 Tests (3rd ed.)
Writing & Grammar Grade 8 tests are prepared evaluations for the chapters in the student text. Each test follows the lesson theme and may include a variety of multiple choice, application (labeling, underlining, circling), and short answer items. Midterm and final exams are included. Glue binding. These tests accompany Writing & Grammar Grade 8 Student Worktext.